After school creative club

Registration form - dropping off

poponin’s After School Creative Club operates during the school term.  You can drop them off after school at poponin and they can enjoy being creative up to 6.00pm Monday to Friday.

You can choose whether you would like your child to stay up to 5.00, 5.30 or 6.00pm.

If you would like to register please go ahead and complete the form.

we look forward to welcoming you and your children at poponin.

After School Drop Off

Is your child allowed a snack and drink whilst at poponin?

poponin take photos/video for promotional purposes. Are you OK with your child being in photos/video?

Would you like to receive the poponin newsletter?

Please Confirm

14 + 15 =

Thank You.

On receipt of your form confirmation will be sent along with payment details.